Monday, 15 December 2014

Spend Your Family Holiday In Cancun

Іt tаkеs а vеrу sресіаl рlасе tо rесеіvе thе stаtus оf ‘mоst рорulаr dеstіnаtіоn іn thе Саrіbbеаn', but Саnсun іn Мехісо іs ехасtlу thаt. Іn јust 40 уеаrs, Саnсun hаs grоwn оut оf thе sаnd dunеs tо bесоmе а Саrіbbеаn hоlіdау mесса thаt nоt оnlу surраssеd Асарulсо аs Мехісо's fаvоurіtе bеасhsіdе hаunt, but nоw tеmрts mоrе vіsіtоrs tо іts shоrеs thаn аnу оthеr Саrіbbеаn dеstіnаtіоn.

Іt's еаsу tо undеrstаnd ехасtlу whу Саnсun еnјоуs suсh а hаllоwеd rерutаtіоn аmоngst thоsе luсkу еnоugh tо sіnk thеіr tоеs іntо іts іvоrу sаnds, wіth thе stunnіng nаturаl bеаutу оf thе Саrіbbеаn Ѕеа, thе ехсеllеnt сhоісе оf hоtеls, соnsіstеntlу sublіmе wеаthеr аnd а рlеthоrа оf tеmрtіng асtіvіtіеs аlmоst guаrаntееd tо hаvе уоu smіlіng frоm thе mоmеnt уоu аrrіvе.

Рrіstіnе bеасhеs аrе іn аbundаnсе асrоss thе Rіvіеrа Мауа соаstlіnе, thоugh muсh оf Саnсun's dеvеlорmеnt іs сеntrеd аrоund thе stunnіng Νісhuрtе Lаgооn, whісh fеаturеs саlm, соbаlt wаtеrs оn оnе sіdе аnd thе glіttеrіng Саrіbbеаn Ѕеа оn thе оthеr. Wіth thе ‘hоtеl zоnе' роsіtіоnеd оn а lоng, but slеndеr strеtсh оf lаnd thаt раrtіtіоns thе bеаutіful bоdіеs оf wаtеr, оutstаndіng vіеws саn bе еnјоуеd frоm nеаrlу еvеrу аnglе.

Wіth thе іntrоduсtіоn оf grееn sрасеs, suсh аs gоlf соursеs аnd раrks, thе Νісhuрtе Lаgооn аrеа оf Саnсun іs а brеаthtаkіng рlасе tо еnјоу thе wеаthеr, but thе sun іs nо рrеrеquіsіtе fоr аn еnјоуаblе tіmе sіnсе а fаbulоuslу vіbrаnt sосіаl sсеnе lurеs еvеrуоnе bасk оut оntо thе bеасh оnсе thе sun gоеs dоwn fоr whаt іs аlwауs а mеmоrаblе раrtу.

Fоr thоsе sееkіng quіеtеr аtmоsрhеrе fоr thеіr Саnсun holidays, vеnturіng furthеr аlоng thе соаstlіnе wіll brіng уоu tо Rіvіеrа Мауа, whеrе thе hоtеls аrе mоrе sроrаdісаllу рlасеd fоr а mоrе sесludеd sеttіng. Тhе quаіnt bеасhsіdе tоwns оf Рlауа dеl Саrmеn аnd Рuеrtо Моrеlоs fееl mоrе іntіmаtе, уеt rеtаіn thе sаmе quаlіtу sаnds аnd stunnіng wаtеrs оf Саnсun furthеr uр thе соаst.

А sіgnіfісаnt еlеmеnt оf Саnсun's vаst арреаl іs іts оutstаndіng сhоісе, wіth rеsоrts thаt соvеr еvеrу budgеt аnd suіt еvеrу рrеfеrеnсе, whеthеr уоu аrе а соuрlе sееkіng а rоmаntіс gеtаwау оr trаvеllіng wіth thе fаmіlу fоr а drеаm hоlіdау. Тhе brоаd rаngе оf fасіlіtіеs аlsо еndеаvоurs tо іmрrеss, frоm thе numеrоus раmреrіng sраs, tо ехсіtіng kіds' сlubs, tо а sеlесtіоn оf rеstаurаnts соvеrіng еvеrуthіng frоm Мехісаn sресіаlіtіеs tо thе usuаl сlаssісs.

Іn аddіtіоn, Саnсun іs rеnоwnеd fоr іts many things to do in Cancun Mexico, іnсludіng thе hіstоrіс wаllеd сіtу оf Тulum, а wоndеrfullу рrеsеrvеd Мауаn sіtе thаt іs tорреd bу thе dіstіnсtіvе Руrаmіd Еl Саstіllо. Тhе rеgіоn іs аlsо hоmе tо drаmаtіс сеnоtеs, whісh wіnd thrоugh undеrgrоund bеnеаth thе surfасе, whіlе thе Саrіbbеаn Ѕеа асts аs а shеаth tо hіdе thе sесоnd lаrgеst соrаl rееf іn thе wоrld.
Wіth thіs іn mіnd, Саnсun іs аn іdеаl рlасе tо sаmрlе а sроt оf wаtеrsроrts, wіth mаnу rеsоrts оffеrіng fасіlіtіеs fоr bоth ехреrіеnсеd аnd nоvісе dіvеrs.

То еntісе thе еntіrе fаmіlу, thе іntеrеstіng Хсаrеt аnd Хеl-На thеmе раrks аrе sеlf-рrосlаіmеd есо-tоurіsm sіtеs thаt еnthrаl аnd еduсаtе іn еquаl mеаsurеs.

Іndееd, Саnсun suссеssfullу соvеrs еvеrу соnсеіvаblе rеquіrеmеnt fоr thе ultіmаtе gеtаwау, whеthеr уоur іdеа оf а drеаm hоlіdау іs а grеаt vаluе раrtу аtmоsрhеrе, а rоmаntіс еsсаре fоr twо, fаmіlу-frіеndlу fun оr еvеn thе реrfесt wеddіng lосаtіоn.

,p>Fоr thіs rеаsоn аlоnе, іt іs lіttlе surрrіsе thаt Мехісо hоlіdауs аrе аmоng thе mоst рорulаr

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Тhе Веst Веасhеs іn Наwаіі

Frоm 30 fооt wаvеs реrfесt fоr thе аdvеnturоus surfеr tо thе quіеt аnd trаnquіl bеасhеs fоr fаmіlіеs, Наwаіі оffеrs а vаrіеtу оf bеасhеs thаt suіt еvеrуоnе's tаstеs. Аll bеасhеs іn Наwаіі аrе рublіс ассеss, mеаnіng уоu саn vіsіt аnу bеасh rеgаrdlеss оf whеrе уоu stау whіlе оn thе іslаnds. Тhеrе аrе gоldеnbrоwn, whіtе аnd blасk sаnd bеасhеs fоund іn thе trорісаl оаsіs. Турісаl Наwаііаn bеасhеs аrе wеll mаіntаіnеd, аlthоugh thе wаtеr іs nоt соnsіdеrеd "сrуstаl сlеаr" bесаusе sаnd іs kісkеd uр аnd thе wаvеsсаrrу іn соrаl bіts аnd рlаnktоn аnd оthеr осеаn dеbrіs. Vіsіt thе bеасhеs іn thе mоrnіng tо ехреrіеnсе а frаgrаnt lіght brееzе; gо іn thе аftеrnооn tо ехреrіеnсе сhорру, smаll wаvеs frоm trаdе wіnds. Неrе аrе sоmе оf thе bеst bеасhеs іn Наwаіі:

Тhе Віg Іslаnd, Наwаіі

Ноnаunаu Вау

Ѕсubа dіvеrs frоm аrоund thе wоrld vіsіt Ноnаunаu fоr іt's undеrwаtеr раrаdіsе, thе Рlасе оf Rеfugе. Тhе Κіluеаu vоlсаnо hаs еruрtеd lаvа іntо thе осеаn оvеr thе уеаr, whісh hаs hаrdеnеd іntо smооth fоrmаtіоn whісh hаs аllоwеd аn ехраnsіvе rееf оf соrаl hеаds tо grоw. Воth bеgіnnіng dіvеrs аnd ехреrt dіvеrs саn fіnd рlеаsurе аt Ноnаunаu Вау, аnd thе аrеа іs hоmе tо а lаrgе numbеr оf fіsh іnсludіng thе lоng-nоsеd buttеrflу fіsh аnd еndаngеrеd grееn sеа turtlе. Аbоut 40% оf thе fіsh lіvіng іn Ноnаunаu аrе оnlу fоund іn Ноnаunаu, аllоwіng fоr а unіquе ехреrіеnсе.

Κаunа'оа Веасh

Іf уоu'rе lооkіng fоr а рrіvаtе bеасh оf рrіstіnе sаnds, thе сrеsсеnt-shареd Κаunа 'оа Веасh іs реrfесt fоr уоu. Тhе wаtеr іs а соmfоrtаblе 78 dеgrееs. Yоu саn stау іn thе Маunа Κеа Веасh Ноtеl аdјасеnt tо Κаunа'оа Веасh аnd еnјоу thе hоtеl's luхurіоus аmеnіtіеs аs wеll аs thе рrіvаtе bеасh аrеа. Іf уоu'rе nоt stауіng аt thе hоtеl, уоu саn stіll еnјоу thіs раrtісulаr раrаdіsе, but kеер іn mіnd thе hоtеl dіstrіbutеs 25 bеасh раssеs аt а tіmе sо уоu'll nееd tо gеt thеrе bеfоrе 9аm оr wаіt untіl lаtеr іn thе аftеrnооn аnd еvеnіng whеn thе dау tіmе bеасh gоеrs аrе hеаdіng bасk fоr dіnnеr. Κаunа'оа Веасh іs lосаtеd nеаr аn $18 mіllіоn Gоld Соursе, thе Маunа Κеа Gоlf Соursе.

Κаuаі, Наwаіі

Роірu Веасh

Іf trаvеlіng tо Наwаіі wіth уоung сhіldrеn, thе Роірu Веасh оffеrs sоmе оf thе саlmеst wаtеrs оf аll Наwаііаn bеасhеs. Тhеrе аrе рrоtесtеd bауs аnd sаndу bоttоm swіmmіng аrеаs whісh аrе nеvеr mоrе thаn 3 fееt dеер. Fоr оldеr fаmіlу mеmbеrs аnd ехреrіеnсеd swіmmеrs, јust swіm оut раst thе kіddіе-аrеа tо thе rееf аrеа реrfесt fоr snоrkеlіng аnd sсubа dіvіng аdvеnturеs. Тhеrе аrе а numbеr оf соvеrеd раvіlіоns аnd рісnіс аrеаs аnd рublіс bаthrооms аnd еvеn shоwеr fасіlіtіеs оn sіght. Κеер уоur еуеs аnd саmеrаs рееlеd, аnd уоu mау sроt thе еndаngеrеd mоnk sеаl whо hарреns tо аlsо lоvе thе sеrеnіtу аnd саlm wаtеrs оf Роірu Веасh.

Наnаlеі Вау

Еnјоу thе mоuntаіns іn thе dіstаnсе оn thіs 3 mіlе lоng strеtсh оf bеасh. Наnаlеі Вау оffеrs sоmеthіng fоr bоth ехреrіеnсеd surfеrs lооkіng fоr lаrgе wаvеs аs wеll аs bеgіnnіng bеасh gоеrs оr surfеrs. Тhе rіght sіdе оf thе bау hаs lаrgе wаvеs whіlе сlоsеr tо thе ріеr thе wаvеs hаvе lоst thеіr еnеrgу. Тhе mіddlе sесtіоns оf thе bеасh wаtеrs аrе реrfесt fоr іntеrmеdіаtе lеvеl surfеrs аnd bооgіе bоаrdіng. Dеsріtе іt's wіdе rаngе оf wаvе sіzеs tо рlеаsе еvеrу bеасh gоеr, thіs bеасh іs nеvеr сrоwdеd. When on your Наwаіі holidays durіng thе summеr mоnths, thіs bеасh іs lіkе а gеntlе lаkе – реrfесt fоr swіmmіng оr раddlе bоаrdіng.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Things to do on Oahu Hawaii

A Glimpse of O’ahu

Travelling has been perceived by many as a greatest investment of all. Spending money for valuable experiences is indeed priceless. Travelling has been characterized as a source of happiness and contentment that material things cannot ever give. Through travelling, one will be able to appreciate how wonderful life is and realize that the world has so much to offer. You can get to visit many places, meet new people, understand others’ cultures and traditions which will make you fathom that despite its complexity, life is a wonderful gift. One of the wonderful gifts that exists in this lively world is O’ahu Island in Hawaii.

O’ahu Island is the third largest Island in Hawaii and is considered as the most populous among in the entire state. It is popularly known as “the gathering place” which is derived from the word itself. O’ahu Island offers so many breathtaking sceneries as well as many splendid Oahu attractions that travelers must visit. These scenic views include Pearl Harbour and USS Battleship Missouri, Bishop Museum, Hanauma Bay, Nature Preserve, Polynesian Cultural Centre and many more. You may also want to try Shark Tours, or just simply enjoying the superb view and soothing breeze of the Island. Let’s try to portray each of these places’ beauty that will surely excite you.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is a lagoon found in the west part of Honolulu. Much of the surrounding lands and harbor are the US navy water naval base. It serves as the US Pacific Fleet headquarters. It has a historical significance as it marks the start of the US involvement in World War II. Whether you’re historically inclined or not, this is a place that you should stop over since it enriches the sense of ancient nostalgia that every earthly soul can feel.

Bishop Museum

If you want to see how rich the culture of the Island is, visit the Bishop Museum as you can see different collections of the Polynesian arts and some natural history specimens. The paintings are great and must-see! Moreover, the museum is the largest museum in the Hawaii with an extensive collection of more than 13.5 million specimens. The place is accessible as it can be reached through a public transit.

You can also try exciting adventures if you want some extreme activities like the ATV 4 Wheel Drive Tour. You can also take pictures with them. On the other hand, if you are not fond of some adventures, you may just walk along the island and enjoy the scenic view of the sunset or sunrise. You can try wandering in the Hanauma Bay. The beach is fantastically amazing as you can see the rich beautiful sea reefs and other sea creatures. After seeing how beautiful the bay is, you will be persuaded to swim and try snorkeling that will make your trip utterly absolute.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Big Island Hawaii offers it all!

Hawaii. To Islanders it is just the “Big Island”. In fact, to avoid confusion when talking, most people just refer to Hawaii Island as the “Big Island” so as not to get it mixed up with the entire state. Visiting the Big Island of Hawaii on your holiday is a lot like visiting Boston and Philly on the mainland USA…it’s where it all started.

It’s easy to get caught up in the natural awe that Hawaii Island. There is flowing magma in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. And there is snow on the top of Maunakea. There are tropical rainforests along the coast while that is emerald green. And sand on Punaluu Beach that is jet black.

The Big Island is Big in Stature and Significance

Yes, the Big Island is almost a nation unto itself. It is almost twice as big as all of the other islands combined.

If you spend time on Oahu or Maui and decide to take a trip to the Big Island you’ll soon feel lost in its vastness.

,p>One of the greatest things about the Big Island is that its size allows it to “pack” more into it-both in regards to the tourism industry and historically speaking.

The Big Island is full of lush and extravagant hotels, resorts and golf courses. It is also home to some of the most significant pieces of Hawaiian culture and historical sites.

Interesting Facts About The Big Island of Hawaii

  • Birthplace of King Kamehameha I
  • It was this Island that King Kamehameha arrived on Oahu from to conquer the tribes and unite the Kingdom under one rule.
  • It is home to Maunakea, the highest point in the state of Hawaii.
  • The micro-climates on the Big Island make it possible to spend a day snorkeling amongst the black sand of Punaluu and throw a snow ball in the afternoon near the top of Maunakea.
  • You can also get a taste of “Old Hawaii” in the towns of Hilo and Kailua-Kona.
  • Hilo is different from most Hawaiian towns in that there are significantly more residents than visitors.
  • Kailua-Kona is a quaint, seaside town with all of the souvenir shops and open-air dining that you could want.

Make no mistake that the Big Island of Hawaii is one of the premiere islands on the chain. While most people think of Maui and Oahu as the places to holiday in Hawaii…the residents of the state go to the Big Island to unwind.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Royal Palace Hawaii

Iolani Palace: The Only Officially Recognized Royal Palace in the United States

The United States prides itself on democracy and having, at one time, thrown of the shackles of a ruling monarch. It is ironic, then, that today within one of the 50 United States there is actually a recognized royal palace. This is a part of Hawaiian history and significance that very few people recognize about Hawaii and its impact on the rest of America.

Iolani Palace is a US National Historic landmark and it is the former residence of the Hawaiian Royal Family. In fact, the last two monarchs to have ruled in Hawaii, King Kalakaua and his sister Queen Liliuokalani resided there from 1882 to 1893. Queen Liliuokalani was actually the successor to King Kalakaua and the ruler of Hawaii when it was peacefully overthrown by the United States businessmen who had a stake in the future state.

Built by the “Merrie Monarch”, King David Kalakaua, in the European style, Iolani Palace was the first residence in Hawaii with an electric light system, flush toilets, and intra-house toilets. The inside of Iolani Palace is as luxurious as you would expect in a royal palace with a koa wood staircase, ornate furniture pieces and portraits of former Hawaiian Royalty.

Once Hawaii was annexed by the United States in 1893, a provisional government was set-up and Iolani Palace served as the capitol building for many years, until 1968. When it was abandoned in fell into disrepair but after a thorough renovation in the 1970’s the palace was again opened to the public in 1978.

Iolani Palace has two interesting characteristics for visitors to Hawaii. One, Iolani Palace is available for tours so that you can experience what it was like to be Hawaiian royalty and to remind you of lost empire. Secondly, the palace is at the center of a very interesting historic area on Oahu and just walking around the area can be very enjoyable.

Besides Iolani Palace you can experience the King Kamehameha statue, the State Capitol building, Kawaihaho Church. All of these historic Hawaiian attractions are in very close proximity to each other and are a very convenient way to experience the governments of Hawaii both today and of yesterday during your Hawaiian holiday.

Tours of Iolani Palace are available in both the guided or un-guided audio tour variety. Either way, you will get a rich cultured experience of Hawaii on your holiday.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Theme Park Holidays

The Theme park has become a major factor in many different people’s holidays’ plans and itineraries. They give you a chance to go and lose yourself in a world of entertainment, thrills and attractions for a day or more.

The humble beginning of the Theme Park can be traced back to 1946 with the opening of Santa Claus Land in Indiana but amusement parks go back even further than that and can trace the movement towards the origin of a theme park. This can be seen with Blackpool as a major amusement park player from the UK with Coney Island coming from the states in the 1800’s.

The era of the early 1900’s was accustomed to the golden age in park history. American’s were becoming more affluent and not having to work every hour under the sun to earn an honest day’s wage, they had a need to be entertained in a fantasy world. Kiddie Parks were introduced to the industry; roller coaster development became a top priority and the future looked good.

Of course, this boom became a decline during the war periods as money was less available, people had moved out of cities to the country and couldn’t move around easily leaving the void to be filled by television. Once out of the war era though, we see the giant leap forward to what we know as a theme park today. One of the major game changing philosophies of parks was the move from pay as you go to an all-inclusive entrance fee. There are arguments from both sides as to which is better but generally the consensus is to have the one price fits all system, this was for reasons including the parks saving money on hiring ticket takers on the rides and actually investing in development of the rides.

Disney is still the biggest player in the market with its parks in the states counting for over half of the annual revenue for theme parks with over 50 million visitors to its parks base in the states alone. Not surprisingly it was the theme parks in California that was the market changer, Disneyland theme park made history to allow a park to encompass and create many different themes in one park.

Today one just has to put the word theme park into a search engine on the internet and you are presented with literally hundreds of choices of parks, worlds and lands worldwide. The one certainty in the market is it is forever game plan changing and adapting to the more demanding needs of citizens of the world. As long as that need for fantasy remains, they are here to stay.

Disneyland California Holidays

The Disney franchise resides all over the world, most having heard of Disneyworld in Florida but the truth is that it all started and traced back to the original, Disneyland in California. The only park to have been overseen by Walt Disney himself in the 1950’s, the doors were opened in 1955 and has since become the most visited attraction park in the world, second only Disneyworld in Orlando.

Some interesting and occasionally lesser known facts about the park include…
Visitors cannot purchase alcohol in the resort unless they are members of Club 33, a private club in resort. However, before you start thinking about membership, I must tell you there is 4 year waiting list and don’t forget the $10,000 membership fee and annual fees on top.

The Matterhorn bobsled ride was the first ever tubular steel continuous tract roller coaster in the world. More interestingly, there is a basketball court located inside the top of the mountain for cast members to use on their break! The park receives over 2 million phone calls a year and the most popular request? You’ve guessed it, can I speak to Mickey Mouse please!

Visiting a theme park is hungry business and this is proven with the 4 million hamburgers guests consume in an average year! The park is open 365 days a year, the happiness never ends! There have only ever been 4 unscheduled closures reported since 1955 including the day after the September 11 attacks in 2001.

Originally, the entry ticket to the park was for the park only, you then purchased tickets for each ride individually. It wasn’t until 1982 that an ‘inclusive’ option was given and the individual ride ticket was dropped. The cost in 1982 for an all-inclusive ticket? $12.00. Compared to the average price of $96.00 in May 2014, it still represents very good value for money.

Walt Disney originated many concepts that have become theme park standard worldwide. It was Disney that started to liken employees as Cast Members, their uniform as costumes, the employee area backstage, public area onstage and the visiting public are referred to as guests. This all adds to the experience of a guest likened to that of being entertained, the experience being overseen by ‘Stage Managers’.

If the experience of the press on the opening day of the park was to take precedent, the park may never have survived! The temperatures were high, the abundance of celebrities all turned up at once, a plumbers strike meant the water fountains had run dry and numerous ride breakdown’s all added to a day Walt would probably want to forget! All was forgiven though when he invited them back for a second private day to see the park in its full glory.

The first ticket was sold to Walt’s brother, Roy Disney and was purchased from the then manager of admissions at the park, Curtis Lineberry. No visit is complete without an original Disneyland California holidays.

Visit Cable Car Museum while on your Holidays to San Francisco

Ask anyone what they associate San Francisco with and usually the answer is the Golden Gate Bridge. The lesser mentioned attraction is the humble cable car yet it is an intrinsic part of the history of San Francisco to the present day. If you think carefully, you would not be able to name a film that had been set in San Francisco that didn’t have mention of the cable car!

While on your holidays in San Francisco ask yourself - How did the cable car come to exist? Story has it that it’s inventor, Andrew Smith Hallidie saw a gruesome accident where the steepness of the roads, wet cobblestones and a heavily weighted vehicle could roll backwards and literally drag the horses to their death.

While there is no room for a full lesson on how the cable cars work, the basis lies that there are powerful electric motors that drive wheels that pull cables through a trench in the street below, centred under the cable tracks. Each car then has a mechanical grip that will latch itself onto the rope where the grips man can take or drop the rope depending on whether he has a need to start or stop the car operated by a grip man. Running along the lines, they do come to an end where they are turned around on a giant turntable; the public could help with this manoeuvre until the 1970’s came and the health and safety act!

Driving the trams is a highly skilled and labour intensive job where need for good co-ordination is a must. Because of this intensity, there have only been 2 grip women to this date, namely Fannie Mae Barnes and Willa Johnson. Maybe a reader of this blog will accept the challenge and become the 3rd ?

Interestingly, the famous social activist Maya Angelou once worked on the cable cars herself; she even dropped out of her school at the tender age of 15 to do it. She also set the records as the first African-American to work for the transport company, despite the jibes and taunts of the management as integration was still very much a new way of thinking.

Nearly destroyed totally by the earthquake of 1906, it remains in operation today as the world’s last manually operated cable car system and is in the History Books as an icon of historic places. It is a must for any trip to San Francisco (if anything because the hills are a lot more challenging than they look in the city!).

Fancy knowing a bit more after riding this moving monument? There is a comprehensive cable car museum located in San Francisco where you can learn all about this fascinating transport system.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Hawaii Holidays - The Beliefs and Legends of the Big Island

While on your Hawaii holidays why not learn a bit of Big Islands traditions, beliefs and legends. Every Island you visit will have its legends and mysteries that go along with it. The Big Island of Hawaii is no different. When you take your holiday to Hawaii you should be aware of some of those legends and mysteries to further enjoy the culture that goes along with them. It will provide you a deeper understanding of the Hawaiian people and culture.

Let’s take a look at some of those special legends and beliefs. They just might serve you well and keep you out of harm’s way.

Pele Likes Gin

According to legend, Pele is a big fan of gin. In order to keep you and your family safe from the lava flow and Pele’s anger you should visit the Halem’uma Crater and offer the goddess gifts of food, flowers and gin. Another Pele belief is that if you meet a young woman long flowing hair or an older lady with long white hair then you should greet her with mighty Aloha and offer your help.

Avoid the Night Marcher’s Glare

The night marchers are ghostly apparitions of ancient Hawaiian warriors on their way to do battle. They have been spotted on every Island and are often seen in the Valleys of the Big Island. If you see the night marchers…get out of there and don’t make eye contact or you’ll be forced to march with them for all of eternity.

The Ohia Tree and the Lehua Blossom

Legend says that Pele fell deeply in love with a handsome warrior named, Ohia. She asked him to marry her but Ohia was already pledged and in love with a young woman name Lehua. Pele was outraged and turned Ohia into gnarly tree. Lehua was heartbroken and the other gods showed favor on her by turning her into a flower on the Ohia tree so that she could be with her lover forever.

The Wet and Dry side of the Big Island

Pele, the fire goddess and the demi-god, Kamapua’a (who controlled weather) struck a deal to separate the Big Island into their control after a battle. Pele took the west side making that part of the Island hot and dry while Kamapua’a took the east half making it wetter and cooler. It is a basic way that ancient Hawaiians put a reasoning to the different micro-climates of the Island.

Spend a day Out at Xel-Ha on You Holiday to Cancun

A Great place to visit while on your holidays to Cancun is Xel-Ha which is considered to be the largest aquarium in the world. Yes, you heard me…aquarium. It is a natural aquarium park that is maintained beautifully and has loads of stuff to do. If you’re the nature loving kind but also like an adventurous, fun time, then Xel-Ha is the place for you. If you’re on an all-inclusive holiday to Cancun and the Riviera Maya then you just have to get out and try this gem of a spot. Believe us, you’ll be tired and content when you leave and you’ll have made memories (and hopefully taken some good photos) that will last a life time.

What Can you Do At Xel-Ha?

Swim With Dolphins

Xel-Ha believes in protecting and ensuring that the natural settings of the marine life remain unchanged. They proudly boast one of the best dolphin programs everywhere. Here is your chance to swim with these beautiful creatures.

Dolphin trek

Enjoy walking on the seabed with the help of modern technology. Even non-swimmers will have the chance to appreciate being with the dolphins! No training required for this AWESOME adventure on the bottom of the sea.


Snorkel and scuba all in one with the help of a snorkel mask, a regulator and a surface air supply. Supervised by professionals, you don’t have to worry and just enjoy a day with the fish.

See Manatees

Aaah, the ‘sea elephant’. Manatees are large, gentle, adorable and harmless creatures. To be in the water or see the manatees up close is truly an honor and one that you won’t soon forget.

Stingray Encounter

Watch the amazing stingray glide along in the water with the help of their amazing pectoral fins. It looks so graceful to see these marine animals “flying with wings” gently through the water.


What would any destination in Cancun or the Riviera Maya be without a chance for some high-end spa treatments? The Spa Xel-Ha will leave relaxed and exhilarated all at the same time.

Zip Bike

A combination of cycling and zip-lining will have you gliding through the air in Xel-Ha with the greatest of ease. Look down on the water, the marine life and your friends and family as you enjoy this new treat.


Relive the ancient tradition of the Temascal in Xel-Há, Riviera Maya. Since pre-Hispanic times, our ancestors cleansed their bodies, minds and spirits with steam baths.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Honolulu’s Chinatown: Where the Cultures Collide (In a Good Way…)

Chinatown in Honolulu is such an important piece of the city and the Island of Oahu that it requires its own website just so people can learn what to expect and to truly appreciate the experience. Chances are that if you’re on Oahu for your Hawaii holiday then you will be impacted by the many Asian cultures that come together on the Island.

You would be doing yourself and your holiday an injustice if you didn’t make a visit to Chinatown during your stay on Oahu.

Attractions and Activities

Holidays to Hawaii will need to consist of visiting Chinatown, with its architecture and the way it contrasts to the rest of Honolulu. While the majority of the city is modernized, high-rise office buildings and dwellings, Chinatown is comprised of single story historic architecture in the style of its Asian roots.

After dark, Chinatown comes alive with the lights, sounds and smells of what you would typically expect. There are some spots of the district that may seem unappealing and you’re best bet is to just follow your instinct. If it looks questionable then there’s no need to go there. Honolulu is a relatively peaceful city and you have no worries but it’s always best to stay safe rather than be sorry.

First Friday

On the first Friday of every month, the shops, restaurants, galleries, museums and studios are open to the public later than usual for the First Friday Festival. You will get live music, street art, entertainment, as well as bistros and pubs that will make your mouth water just by walking by.

Speaking of Chinatown Cuisine…

Chinatown offers all cuisine in the “dim sum” style. Dim sum literally means “touched by the heart”. The style of Dim Sum originated with 10th century Cantonese Society. Much of dim sum cooking is bite sized dumplings that allow the diner to relax and slowly eat to enjoy the cuisine more.

Some notable Dim Sum Style Restaurants in Chinatown, Honolulu:

  • Ruby Restaurant and Bakery is one of Chinatown’s most reasonably priced menus.
  • Mei Sum Dim Sum features Hong Kong Style Dim Sum
  • Char Hung Sut Manapua where you have to try the pork hash!
Chinatown in Honolulu is truly a cultural experience that identifies what Hawaii is all about; a vacation paradise made perfect by the variety and Asian influence.

Why Stay Dry? Get in the Water on the Riviera Maya!

Vacations in Cancun and the Riviera Maya consists of hundreds of miles of coastline, beaches and gorgeous Caribbean waters. You won’t find a better place on Earth that is better for water fun, water sports, adventure and discovery…both on top and underneath the surface. How can you pass that up?

The Riviera Maya has some of the best snorkeling and scuba locations and conditions in the world. And let’s not the forget the fun little hybrid called “Snuba.®” It has the world’s second largest coral reef and the largest in the Americas. Can you imagine the colorful and amazing marine life that is teeming just below the surface?

The Puerto Morales National Reef Park (Parque Nacional Arrecife Puerto Morelos) is largely protected and one of the best destinations for snorkeling around. Not only in the area but in the world. There are also thousands of cenotes, or underground sink holes, that you can snorkel and dive in. This is one of the most unique things to do in the world and an activity that really makes a Riviera Maya holiday stand out.

But if you don’t wanna’ relax under the water then you can get out and do some adventure-filled, adrenaline using activities like jet skiing, wind surfing, kayaking (fresh or salt water) and parasailing far above the water. You can gear and instructions from local tour operators and facilitators. It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or a seasoned adrenaline junky-you can do it all. And don’t forget fishing. Get out there and do some fly-fishing, drift-fishing and even go after big sport fish on a deep sea fishing experience. Take a couple of hours and go earn your dinner! You can even have cleaned, filleted and served to you later on at a local restaurant. How is that for fresh sea food?

There’s romance in them there waters, too! Take a day time catamaran cruise or charter a yacht and take a group or your honey to remote Caribbean Islands. The sunset cruises in Riviera Maya will cause love to develop if it isn’t already there, so watch out!

Adventure at Xplor while on Your All-Inclusive Cancun Holiday

The more research that people do about their holidays to Cancun and the Riviera Maya, usually leaves them more flabbergasted by the opportunities and the activities that can be done!

There is one thing to have an all-inclusive holiday at a resort where you can relax, hit the beach, have a spa treatment and then enjoy some cocktails. It is another thing entirely to be able to do all that and then decide you’re going to visit a place like Xplor the next day.

What is Xplor

The story of Xplor started around 75 million years ago when an asteroid came and crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula. A whole bunch of dinosaurs had a pretty bad day that day, but if they had known that their demise would someday leave humans with the chance to experience a place like Xplor in Cancun then they probably wouldn’t have minded that much. (Not that they had much of a choice.)

The asteroid left us with a huge a cave system that has everything from underground fossils to underground rivers. There’s really no other way to explain Xplor than by describing it as: Prehistoric rawness with the luxury and sophistication of the modern world.

What Can you Do at Xplor Cancun?

Xplor-Beyond the Surface

Grab an amphibious vehicle and trek through the jungle, over suspension bridges and into mysterious underground tunnels and caverns. Nothing else like it in the world.

Our wade and swim through the stalactite rivers! It looks like something out of Star Wars! See rock formations of stalactites that were formed over millions of years, drop by tiny drop.

Xplor-El Fuego

After dark, take a zip-line through the lush forest with your way lit by traditional fire torches for an awesome and romantic experience. It’s the highest zip-line in Latin America. Eat your heart out, dinosaurs!

Jump on a vehicle and traverse the great Mayan jungle with rows of torches on each side of you. This the amphibious adventure of the day, however at night. Another great and unique experience.

Don’t allow yourself to miss a day at Xplor on your all-inclusive Cancun holiday. You’ll be sorry if you don’t go and you’ll never forget it if you do. The dinosaurs paid a heavy price for this!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Understanding Flora and Fauna on your Hawaii holiday

Interesting fact for your holidays to Hawaii - It’s crazy to think about today, but, over thousands of years Hawaii’s native flora and fauna evolved and developed with no natural predators. This means that they developed with no thorns, poisons or camouflage as natural defenses.

fter their formation and onward, the Hawaiian Islands were near lifeless. Thanks to the ocean waters, winds and birds that traveled there (some 3,000 miles non-stop in the air) the Hawaiian Islands would eventually be covered in a carpet of rich, thick jaded green.

In fact, when the first settlers arrived in Hawaii there were no reptiles, bugs, amphibians or mosquitoes. Additionally, there were only two endemic mammals on the Hawaiian Islands at all, the Hawaiian Monk Seal and the Hoary Bat. Incidentally, the Hawaiian Monk Seal almost became extinct in the 19th century.

However, the climate on the Hawaiian Islands (and particularly all of the micro-climates) make it possible for many forms of fauna, flora and animals to thrive on the Hawaiian Islands.

As the flora and fauna developed and evolved they became endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, meaning you cannot find these species anywhere else in the world.

Notable Flora and Fauna of the Hawaiian Islands

The Silversword of Hawaii

The silversword is actually a member of the sunflower family and just as striking, albeit more exotic too most people. They are endemic to Hawaii, yes, but only grow on the mountains of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea on the Big Island and on Haleakala on Maui. The stalks are often several feet tall with hundreds of purple flowers. Each volcanic mountain that it grows on has its own unique type of silversword.

The Hibiscus Kokio

Known simply as kokio amongst the native Hawaiians, this plant was used as an invisibility aid. It seems that when applied to fishing nets and fishing lines, dye made from the bark of the kokio made nets and line difficult to see for fish.


Ohai was once very common to see along Hawaiian shore lines. It is now increasingly rare to find the ohai, however it is still a favorite amongst lei makers all around the islands.

Ohia Lehua

The lehua was the first and mightiest warrior to enter battle to the ancient Hawaiians. The name for this endemic Hawaiian flower is fitting then since it is commonly the first growth visible on a barren, volcanic mountainside.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Communicating with locals on your Hawaii Holidays

Do You Want to Learn to Communicate in Hawaiian?

Fact: The Hawaiian language is not known or spoken anywhere else in the world. That means that if the Hawaiian Language were to go extinct in Hawaii…then it would be lost forever. That’s some pretty serious stuff.

The unfortunate truth is that the Hawaiian language almost went extinct. Despite the efforts of all who tried to make the Hawaiian language dwindle away into history (the US government included) there has been a rejuvenation of the teaching and learning of the Hawaiian language in the Islands recently.

History of the Hawaiian Language

It is believed that the first settlers to Hawaii arrived in the 4th century AD from Hiva in the southern Marquesas Islands. In 1778 Captain James Cook first arrived in Hawaii and in 1820 a group of missionaries from New England arrived. This would start what was almost the extinction of the Hawaiian language.

The ‘Olelo Hawai’I, or Hawaiian language was tried to put into an English alphabet form by the New Missionaries. However, they failed miserably. They couldn’t discern t from k, l from r, and b from p. So, what was honoruru became Honolulu and ranai became Lana’i.

When the missionaries were done butchering the Hawaiian language it had only 12 letters (a,e,i,o and u along with the consonants h, k, l, m, n, p and w.)

When the Hawaiian monarch was overthrown in 1893, and through the US annexation, the Hawaiian language was forbidden from being taught and proliferated in the Islands.

It was not until the 1970 when a rejuvenation of Hawaiian culture and pride was invigorated in the Islands. In 1978, the Hawaiian language was once again made the official language of the State and by 1987 the public school system was allowed to teach the language, culture and history again!

The Shaka-A Very Different Type of Hawaiian Communication

The shaka is a universal sign of “aloha” in the Hawaiian Islands. You’ve probably seen it before: the three middle fingers of the hand folded down while the thumb and pinky finger remain extended. A little shake of the hand usually goes along with it. Instead of waving in thanks, many people just throw up the shaka and shake it a bit. It’s truly a very unique Hawaiian form of language that only has the specific meaning in the Islands.

The shaka is so much more than “hey” and “howze it?”, though, just like “aloha” means so much more than “hello” and “goodbye”. There are many different stories of the origin of the shaka sign. When you’re on your Hawaii holidays, don’t forget to ask a few residents and see how many different answers you get!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Hawaii and Las Vegas Twin Centre Holidays

Live it Up in Vegas then Live it Down on Hawaii!
There must be some supernatural, vacation powers at work here! The combination of a two-stop, holiday in Vegas and then in Hawaii seem almost too convenient. On one hand you have Las Vegas, the city where anything can happen and the never shuts down. On the other hand you Hawaii. Any of the Islands offer sun, quiet and relaxation.

The Hawaiian Islands are a perfect place to recover from the fun and non-stop action of Vegas.

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas and is FORGOTTEN in Hawaii!

This is the perfect opportunity for Hawaii and Las Vegas twin centre holidays. So, how can you make this work for you? Well, leaving the UK on your vacation puts you in a perfect situation to enjoy this MEGA HOLIDAY.

First Stop: Las Vegas
Spend the first part of your holiday in the heart of the action: Right on the world famous, Las Vegas strip! You’ll have the ability to stay at a variety hotels and casinos to get the full feeling of what a Vegas vacation should be.
  • Take in shows with top performers from the US and around the world, like Siegfried and Roy
  • Feeling daring? Play your favorite games in any of the casinos on the strip
  • Get wild by immersing yourself in the Las Vegas nightlife
  • Take in a motor race at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway
  • Go on a bus tour that will show you all of Vegas’ historical spots.
  • Lastly, hit up Wet n’ Wild to get relief from the desert heats. (This will also get you ready for the second leg of your holiday!)

Second Stop: Hawaii
This is where you get to relax and recover from your time spent in Las Vegas. You’ll probably need it!
  • Fly from Vegas to Oahu and spend time relaxing in Waikiki learning to surf or paddle board.
  • Or, go directly to the Big Island, Hawaii and take a helicopter ride to see the erupting Kilauea.
  • Perhaps you can fly from Vegas to Maui and do some world-class snorkeling or SNUBA at the Molokini Crater.
  • How about Kauai? Nothing says “relaxation” like a drive along the Na’Pali Coast.

Vegas and Hawaii offer the best in holiday destinations for EVERY walk of life and fantasy that you may have been thinking about for a long time. The time is now! Take advantage and go on a twin center holiday and make the memories that will last a lifetime!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Scuba and Snorkeling on Your Cancun Holiday

Your all-inclusive, Cancun vacation has a variety of snorkeling and scuba options with which you can choose. First, you can snorkel right off the waters by the hotel or resort that you’re staying at. However, you can also take guided snorkeling tours into jungle waters for a day of excitement and wondrous marine discovery.

Where to Snorkel in Cancun on Your Holiday

  • The southern shoreline of the Hotel Zone near the Club Med and Westin Regina Resorts is the best place to snorkel in the Hotel Zone of Cancun
  • The coral reefs near Puerto Moreles (20 minutes from the Cancun airport) are a much better environment in which to snorkel in Cancun. The reef is much closer to the beach and a great place to go snorkeling on your own.
  • El Garrafon National Park in Isla Mujeres is also a great place to see tons of fish
  • Chankanaab National Park in Cozumel as well as the most of the beaches.
  • Eco-Parks like Xcaret and Xel-Ha offer great snorkeling.
  • Cenotes (underwater caves) are also a great way to see a different side of underwater Cancun.
  • The Nichupte Lagoon between Cancun Island and Cancun City offers a fresh water and saltwater mixture of snorkeling.

Best Scuba Locations in Cancun

  • Manchones Cancun Mexico known as “the Great Mayan Reef” in scuba circles
  • Grampin, Cancun
  • Bandera Reef is for more advanced divers but the marine life abound. Sea Turtles and barracuda gather and school in this area.
  • C-58 Wreck isan old ship wreck that is popular with many divers who visit Cancun solely to dive this location.
  • Ceuvas de Afuera where you can see HUGE sea turtles and eagle rays. Awesome.

You can see why many snorkel and scuba enthusiasts will favor Cancun locations over those in southern Florida and Hawaii. There are just so many places with such clear water and a bunch of sea life. Check them out on your Cancun holidays and don’t forget to pack your underwater camera to capture the memories!

Experience the Mayan Ruins and Ancient on Your Cancun Holiday

The Yucatan Peninsula is home to the world’s best Mayan ruins. You’re all-inclusive holidays to Cancun are sure to be full of education, exploration and seeing sights that you never thought existed. Most of the resorts and hotels in the “hotel district” of Cancun will offer tours to Mayan Ruins, as well as those in the Riviera Maya.

Don’t forget to bring a camera and your learning cap. Once you set eyes on some of the wonders that were created back in the ancient Mayan civilization you’ll want to capture those memories forever.

Details About the Mayan Ruins and History

Historians break down the Maya development into 3 distinct eras that range over 2,500 years. The Mayan Empire was huge! It covered a large area in Central and South America and reached the height of its power between 250 and 900 AD. The empire covered areas around Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras.

The Mayan culture produced some of the finest specimens in the archaeological world to include: temples, pyramids, observatories, palaces, and ancient ceremonial sites. Incidentally, the Mayan calendar, which ended in the second decade of the 21st century was of such significance in the modern world that many speculated whether the world would end when the calendar did.

What ancient secrets did the Mayans know?

Thankfully, the world didn’t end and we’re all still here to go and visit the wonderful world of the Mayan culture. The greatest thing about Mayan architecture was that it was so well and precisely made. This is one of the factors that contribute in many of the ruins being in such great condition today, so much that they’re really not ruins at all.

Here’s a closer look at one of the more visited Mayan ruins in Cancun: Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza covers around 3 miles of area and literally means “Mouth of the Well”. It was built in the late classic period of the Mayan civilization which puts it being constructed between 800 and 1000 AD. Chichen Itza contains the Pyramid of Kukulcan as its center piece.

When you’re on your all-inclusive Cancun holiday, be sure to take your family or your sweetheart to the Mayan Ruins and enjoy the genius and beauty of an ancient civilization. Enjoy the resort, the beaches, the restaurants and the shopping but don’t miss out on something that you may never get a chance to see again: Ancient Mayan Ruins in Cancun, Mexico.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The Emerald Island Villa Resorts Offer the Perfect Florida Break

There are plenty of great accommodation options to choose from in Florida but the Emerald Island Villa Resort is a gem. This gated community allows you to enjoy the comfort and benefits of a Luxury home while being situated close to all of the major attractions in Florida. These villas are around 3 miles from Disney World, meaning you can drive there in 5 minutes! The villas are also ideally situated for many of the other theme parks and attractions in Florida so no matter where you are going to, you won’t have far to travel.

The location and style of these villas ensures that they are the perfect accommodation all year round. There is always a reason to head to Florida and staying in these villas will provide you with perfect opportunity to relax and make the most of your stay. With many people booking their summer 2014 Florida holidays at the moment, these villas are the ideal location to stay in at this time of year. Being so close to the main attractions is of great benefit but the beauty of the resort and the freedom of having your own villa will ensure that you can get the best of both worlds.

These villas create the perfect base for Florida exploration

While there are many fantastic attractions on the doorstep of the Emerald Island Villa resorts, it can be of benefit to drive a little further and get to see other theme parks and attractions. By going a little further, you get the chance to experience theme parks like Lego Land , Busch Gardens and Airboat Rides.

Lego Land is a perfect theme park to visit if you have younger children. The park is geared towards youngsters but one of the things about Lego is that it often appeals to so many of us. Adults have a great love of Lego and you may find that you spend as much time getting excited by the Lego creations as your kids do! The magic of Orlando allows everyone to enjoy themselves and have a great time, no matter what attraction you visit.

These villas are ideal for children

Finding the right accommodation is crucial, especially when you travel with children. A villa provides a greater degree of freedom and it is possible to suit yourselves. The Emerald Island Villa Resort is one of the most highly regarded villa resorts in Florida. No matter what element you are interested in when evaluating accommodation, this resort wins hands down.

There is a wide variety of villas on offer but no matter which villa you choose, there is something for all of the family. The children’s bedrooms are often themed, so your kids will love their room, which is always a big factor for parents. With LCD TVs, DVD players and game consoles provided in most villa's, there is even the opportunity to have some quality family time together when you need a break from the business of the theme parks.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Discover Kauai with Charter Travel

We arrive in Kauai, the Discovery island, its dark and warm, the smell of Hawaii greets me!

Picked up the rental car and headed to the sumptuous Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa, we are greeted even at this late hour with a smile and a lei greeting, shown to our room and we get to bed very quickly

Waking early is something I always do on the islands, I am not the only one awake, I can see guys fishing from the beach and I sit on the Lanai watching the sun come up listening to the birds sing

This fabulous resort is surrounded by some fantastic grounds with beautiful gardens and wildlife, situated in the the sunny area of Poipu with an abundance of water things to do in Kauai, choosing from zip lining, surfing, kayaking or scuba diving among rare sea turtles and luminous fish
We opt for the dry option and head on to Kilauea Lighthouse, the views from here are outstanding, lunchtime approaches we head off to the Olympic café in Kapaa for some coconut shrimp and a piece of hula pie! Just has to be done, before heading back we pop into my favourite shop in Kauai Hula girl, this store sells great authentic Hawaiian clothing and Vintage Hawaiian Shirts, all made in Hawaii, they even have a replica of world famous Elvis Presley 'Blue Hawaii' shirt

Today we take our boat trip around the Napali coast, the coastline is stunning, here films like Jurassic Park and pirates of the Caribbean were filmed, within the mountains the areas are like jungles with lots of waterfalls, not accessible by road, the highlights were the dolphins, as well as the usual spinners, we were also lucky to see bottle nosed dolphins and a whale! Just amazing

We have decided to have a more relaxing day today and head off to the North Shore, we stop en route at Na ‘Aina Kai, it’s around 240 acres of diverse gardens and amazing bronze sculptors along with 13 amazing gardens it has a truly amazing wild forest garden. There are nutmeg and cinnamon trees, cardamom, ginger and vanilla vines and even chocolate trees! Something for everyone

Travelling north we arrive in Hanalei bay just in time for lunch! Stopping by Postcards Cafe , after we head off to wet and dry caves. The three main Kauai caves to look for are all located along the beautiful North Shore. Maniniholo Dry Cave, Waikanaloa Wet Cave, and Waikapalae Wet Cave are all within a short distance of each other making a cave tour easy, the walking is easy the parking is not! Maniniholo Dry Cave is right opposite Haena Beach Park this is a popular location and all the parking is taken really early, still it’s worth the effort. The eerie caverns of the wet caves in Kauai are quite a sight to see. Both the Waikanaloa Wet Cave and the Waikapalae Wet Cave are legendary meeting spots for ancient Hawaiian chiefs. A better way to explore this is by boat…..probably more relaxing too!

On the way back to Poipu we take a detour to Spouting horn! A famous blowhole that was important in Hawaiian legend Ancient Hawaiians believed this coastline was once guarded by a giant moo (lizard) named Kaikapu. Everyone was afraid of the moo because it would eat anyone who tried to fish or swim in the area. One day, a young boy named Liko entered the ocean to outwit the lizard. Kaikapu attacked him, but Liko thrust a sharp stick into her mouth, swam under the lava shelf, and escaped through a small hole to the surface. The moo followed Liko and got stuck in the lava tube. To this day, you can hear the lizard’s roar and see her breath spraying from the blowhole

We arrive back at Grand Hyatt and have a wonderful dinner at Tidepools before we head for our bed!

Our last day in Kauai and we have passed this place several times on the road and never stopped, today we will! We are off to the Kilohana Plantation.

Sugar was important on the islands, it was big business!, Captain Cook introduced this on his arrival to the islands in 1778, this generated huge growth so much so that approx. 337,000 emigrated to the islands for the work that this industry provided The first sugar plantation, known as the Old Sugar Mill of Koloa, was established in 1835 the sugar produced was primarily shipped to the mainland USA. Today Kilohana runs a sugar train experience along with a few others, your trip is not complete until you have taken the Kola rum company , rum tasting is every 30 minutes, not to be missed

As this is our last day before heading off to Maui, we are going to drive the Waimea Canyon

Stretching 14 miles long, one mile wide and more than 3,600 feet deep, the Waimea Canyon Lookout provides panoramic views of crested buttes, rugged crags and deep valley gorges. The grand inland vistas go on for miles. The main road leads you to a lower lookout point and the main Waimea Canyon Overlook, offering views of Kauai's dramatic interior. This is spectacular stuff! Nicknamed the ‘ Grand Canyon of the Pacific" it certainly is big!

On the way back we stop off at Island Taco, we had some delicious Ahi, mahi mahi and shrimp, very fresh very tasty and very reasonable! We have taken the opportunity whilst here to check out the statue of Captain Cook which is in the centre of the town a replica of the original statue found in Whitby England

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Things to do and see in Los Angeles

What immediately comes to mind when you think of LA? The majority of people are thinking Hollywood, fame and glamour. This is a huge part of the Los Angeles experience, yet there is so much more to the global metropolis than meets the eye. The question in Los Angeles is not what to do, but where to begin? The city with the second largest population in America is home to many famous attractions in a relatively concentrated space. From Sunset Strip, the cutting edge of the entertainment industry, to many admired architectural landmarks, take your pick. Where Mickey Mouse and Hollywood were born, Los Angeles has been shaping the minds of millions for over 200 years.

Universal Studios Hollywood receives more customers than any other attraction in LA County. It’s no surprise; the Studios are bursting with thrilling theme park rides, shows, a working movie studio, shops and restaurants. The perfect day out for movie enthusiasts, you can personally witness special effects used in some of the greatest action movies like King Kong and the War of the Worlds.

Another extremely popular family attraction is, of course, Disneyland Resort. With 2 theme parks, 3 hotels and 8 different magical lands to explore, there’s no underestimating the enormity of the global Disney phenomenon. If you have young children, you’ll be dragged to Disneyland for sure and even if you don’t, the park is a great day out and fully equipped for all ages.

After a tiring few days roaming around Disneyland, you’ll probably jump at the chance of a relaxing excursion to Catalina Island. Although it’s only 22 miles off the shore of Los Angeles, the distinction between the Island of Catalina and the urban jungle of LA is remarkable. Escape from the bustling madness of city life and catch a ferry to the island, where you can undergo the ultimate experience of a massage on the beach then rent a snorkel to explore the clear blue wonders of the Pacific Ocean. Sounds like a plan to me.

If you fancy a more educational experience, the Getty Centre, a stunning collaboration of art, architecture and gardens could be more suited to your taste. Including the artwork of some of the most influential artists in the world such as Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet and many more, the Getty Centre forms one of LA’s finest cultural destinations. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is the largest art museum in western America and holds over 100,000 works from ancient times to modern day.

Wedged between Hollywood and Beverly Hills, Sunset Strip, a 1.7 mile stretch of Sunset Boulevard, holds a fantastic collection of restaurants, nightclubs and bars. Giant Billboards at every corner and common celebrity sightings, Sunset Strip is most definitely a must-see attraction of Los Angeles. The heart of Hollywood is another place to most definitely visit on your holiday in Los Angeles. Explore the Walk of Fame, where over 2,300 celebrities including Elvis and John Lennon, have been commended with a marble-encased brass star and catch a movie premier at one of the most historic Hollywood movie theatres.

Los Angeles clasps a handful of some of the world’s most desirable attractions, just waiting for you to discover. Check out our things to see and do in Los Angeles for even more ideas.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Las Vegas Holidays

With over 150,000 hotel rooms, 15 of the world’s officially biggest hotels and not forgetting the ratio of 8 slot machines to every resident, Las Vegas is truly the ultimate holiday destination. Only in Vegas can you be transported to many different worlds in the space of a few miles along the infamous strip (factually and quite interestingly, the majority of the strip and its hotels are actually outside the limits of the city of Las Vegas, it actually comes under the jurisdiction of Clark County!). With the legalisation of gambling only in 1931 and the construction of the Hoover Dam starting in 1935, Las Vegas has grown in leaps and bounds in a relatively short period of time from a small city to a major tourism, gaming and convention capital.

When thinking about holidays in Las Vegas it automatically gives thoughts about fancy hotels and gambling casinos. Well, it’s true! From the moment you step off the aircraft at the airport, you cannot miss the lights and hear the distinctive chorus of the slot machines, the cheers from the gambling tables (and spectators) and the never ending casinos. The thrill of the game is there and while you may not be Ashley Revell , selling all your possessions , travelling to Las Vegas and betting it all on red, everyone should at least have one flutter (or two) in sin city!

Las Vegas is not just about gaming though; arts and entertainment is also a well-known feature of this metropolis, often dubbed as ‘The Entertainment Capital of the World’. The world’s most expensive stage show, EFX, was made and ran in Las Vegas for years. The highest gross box office takings ever was achieved in Las Vegas in 1999 with Barbara Streisand (at the MGM Grand) taking $14,694,750.00 from 12,477 tickets. The Coliseum, a huge purpose built auditorium at Caesar’s Palace (originally designed and built exclusively for Celine Dion) now houses many headline acts including Elton John and Cher.

Trouble may come in picking where to stay; the standard is high and the variety vast. For the value-conscious traveller, it has to be New York New York. Situated on the strip, its architecture evokes New York’s skyline. Featuring a casino and a dozen bars and nightclubs, this resort makes the perfect base from where to explore the city. Whilst here, you must check out the full size theatre currently showing the Cirque du Soleil show Zumanity (a personal favourite of the writer) and the history making ‘The Roller Coaster’ built into the complex! Taking of New York, you can also experience a real life stopover in the big apple either on the flight out or back on either United Airlines or Delta. read more at our East and West Coast Holiday

For the more deluxe experience, the Aria is the place to stay, a triple-a five diamond rated hotel, it is part of the new City Centre complex. It is commonly known as one of the most technologically advanced hotels ever built, renowned for its energy saving policies and technology throughout.

Have you ever heard if you ever get lost in Las Vegas at night, just head towards the light? Well, the Luxor actually has the brightest and most powerful beam of artificial light in the world, so bright it can be seen in space!

In recent years, Las Vegas has become associated with adrenaline fuelled activities to rival any thrill-seeking hot spot in the world. For example, fancy meeting a shark face to face? Mandalay Bay is one of only a select few licensed attractions in the world that dive-certified individuals can scuba dive with the sharks in the tank! However, one of the newest additions to the portfolio is the death defying Sky-jump at the Stratosphere Resort & Casino, a free fall bungee jump from the 108th floor to the ground! Not matter what may take your fancy check out our things to do in Las Vegas for more options and ideas.

Whatever you decide, just remember the wise words spoken ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’!

Monday, 7 April 2014

New York Holidays

New York, New York – The Big Apple. Everyone knows the well-known facts, but, where did the term ‘Big Apple’ come from…..well; this is just one of a few ‘little-known’ facts that, for me, make this truly amazing city even more unique! The term, Big Apple, was first popularised by a newspaper editor, John Fitzgerald, who titled his column: Around the Big Apple. He first heard the term, the 'Big Apple', being thrown around by stable boys, which they used to describe New York City as place of monetary abundance and opportunity.

New York, also referred to as the "city that never sleeps." One reason for this nickname is because the city never shuts down. There are activities and venues open at all hours of the day and night. The other reason for the nickname is because the subway system never shuts down except for maintenance. Even then, only part of it is shut down at a time. Even Washington D.C.'s subway system shuts down around the hours of 2am to 5am.

In addition to the current sophistication of the subway system, most people are not aware that the city has many abandoned and hidden subway stations. Beneath City Hall is one of the hidden subway stations. It has been inactive since 1946. Despite being abandoned, the station is an architectural wonder. It boasts high ceilings, skylights, and antique tiling. In-fact, during Pope Benedict XVI’s recent New York visit, it was widely reported that the Pope travelled by “Pope-mobile” through the city, greeting spectators and press. These reports were, of course, completely false. Since soon after the New York subway’s creation, visiting heads of state, high profile celebrities and religious leaders have travelled in special armoured subway cars.
So while one of the Pope’s many look-alikes rode above ground in a sham motorcade on the East Side of Manhattan, the real Benedict XVI was speeding along a downtown IRT express track — on one of his annual trips to withdraw gold from Federal Reserve vaults and to deliver stock market closing averages for the coming year.

The Lower Manhattan Federal Reserve Bank holds over $2 trillion of the world's assets, according to the Federal Reserve website. A substantial portion of these assets are in gold bullion. Six stories or 80 feet below the streets around the bank is the world's largest storage of gold bullion. The bank's vault holds approximately 37 percent of the world's gold, according to the Bundesbank. As of 2012, there are 530,000 gold bars located in the vaults, according to New York Fed. Bundesbank, the Federal Bank of Germany, owns most of the gold stored below the Federal Reserve Bank building. The Federal Reserve Bank actually owns none of the gold it stores. The streets are paved with someone else’s gold!

Holidays in New York can be enjoyed by visiting all five distinct boroughs. Each of the boroughs is separated by a major waterway. The five boroughs are Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island. Manhattan is what most people think of when they think of New York City. In reality, this is just one portion of New York City. It is where Times Square, Central Park, and most of the major entertainment and shows occur. To be situated here, would be the most convenient for tourists. Some properties that come highly recommended are ‘The Waldorf Astoria’ or the ‘Marriott Marquis’. If you are looking to go on a budget, then perhaps the ‘Broadway Plaza’ or the ‘Skyline’, both very close to all of the main sites of interest, yet not compromising in standard.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Holidays in Boston

Welcome to Boston! Well known for its rich American history and quirky architecture, no wonder this is one of the most desirable cities to visit in the USA. Fancy a morning sail across sparkling waters on the coast of Massachusetts, visiting some of Boston’s most picturesque islands along the way? Feel like catching a breath-taking whale watching trip to admire some of the most beautiful animals of the sea on an enlivening catamaran ride? With such a diverse range of things to see and do, it’s no surprise that Boston hosts over 12 million annual visitors. You could be one of them...

If you fancy a Boston city break, a serious shopping trip is vital! Luckily Boston has some of the best shopping centres and restaurants in America, so whether it’s a large department store, a friendly boutique or an all you can eat American diner that takes your fancy, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’ve treated yourself to an Armani handbag or a triple decker cheese burger, there’s still more to see and do in Boston

Boston is a city where history and cultures are greatly treasured, creating ideal trips out for any history enthusiasts. Travel back in time to 1773 and recall the events of the Boston Tea Party. Take a tour of the ships and museums and discover real artefacts that play a part in the story that is so vital to American history. Find out why colonists threw over 300 crates of tea into Boston Harbour and how this event helped lead to the American Revolutionary War.

Boston has become well known for its wide selection of museums. There is literally a museum to suit everyone’s interests. Whether it’s a tribute to John F. Kennedy or the Sports Museum of New England, take your pick.

The New England Aquarium makes a perfect day out for the whole family. Transport yourself to the Caribbean as you walk amongst massive ocean tanks, sharks and giant turtles swimming together. Reach out and touch the sharks and sting rays, as they glide through crystal waters beneath your hands. Don’t miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime, and make sure you visit for an unforgettable experience.

Want to unwind during your holiday in Boston and have an easy and comfortable day out? Take a refreshing day trip to Martha’s Vineyard. To make this day out as convenient as possible, we will pick you up from your hotel by minibus and take you on a relaxing ferry ride across the coast of Massachusetts. Once you arrive on this scenic island you have a chance to explore for yourself, hike the green cliff faces and spend your time investigating cafés and restaurants around town. If you’d rather put your feet up and go on a pre-organised guided tour, then upgrade your ticket for a day that couldn’t get any easier. Accompanied by professional tour guides, you’ll come away feeling educated and stress-free. Sounds good to me!

Another popular purchase worth making is the GO Boston card. This card will give you admission to 60 of Boston’s best attractions and tours, including New England Aquarium, Fenway Park, Museum of Science and a two-day trolley tour. This GO Boston card is the cheapest and best way to get the most out of your trip!

Similar to the Boston GO card, the Boston CityPASS gives you admission to all the best of Boston for one incredible price. Lasting for nine days, the pass includes New England Aquarium, Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Science, Skywalk Observatory and either the Harvard Museum of Natural History or the Revolutionary Boston at the Old State House. Not only does the Boston CityPASS include entries to these top attractions, it also offers free information including maps, travel details and insider tips. A Boston CityPASS is a great value for money and would definitely be something worth spending your money on!

With such a diverse quantity of things to see and do, Boston really does propose the perfect city break. Whether you come with a bulging purse or just a few quid, the city of Boston is an ideal get away.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Toronto & Niagara Falls


Canada’s largest city with a population close to 6 million, that, since the end of the Second World War, has seen a continuous influx of newcomers, mainly from the developing world. Maybe this is one of the reasons for the popularity of its street markets, St Lawrence & Kensington the two largest. Or maybe this is a reason for more than 8000 restaurants including cuisine from all corners of the globe, be careful though, some of these encouraging a standard 20% tip!?

We can submerge to the ‘PATH’ the largest underground pedestrian system in North America, twenty eight kilometres in length, with five subway stations & a railway terminal of which is the staring point to one of our wonderful Explore Canada by train journeys.Toronto was recently tipped as the world’s fourth most liveable city, boasting 301 days of sunshine a year, historic highest recorded temperatures of 41 centigrade & lowest of -44 C, 30% of the population speaking a language other than English or French, over 200 public works of art, 1600 named parks with over 10 million trees & some 35000 hotel rooms……….did I use the word diversity!

Anyway, that’s some of the facts out of the way; let me give you the ‘heads-up’ on some of those 35000 hotel rooms.

‘Downtown’ is a safe & vibrant area, easy to get around on foot, by public transport or cab. Three hotels that come highly recommended & very close to Union train station are the ‘Hotel Le Germain Maple Leaf Square’, ‘Fairmont Royal York’ & the ‘Intercontinental’ all within a few minutes’ walk. Also worth a decent shout come the ‘Eaton Chelsea’ or the ‘Renaissance’ hotel.

The construction of Toronto’s skyline saw a major boom from the 1960’s, with the third most sky-scrapers in North America spawning the reason for the CN Tower. Toronto simply had to have a tower for television & radio purposes that superseded the skyline.

A couple of movie stars that hail from Toronto include Jim Carrey & Mike Myers, comedy at its best! Speaking of comedy, Toronto’s premium sports team is the ‘Toronto Maples’ ice hockey team, which hasn’t won a Stanley Cup since 1967. Not helped then, by the 52 outdoor ice skating rinks!?

Niagara Falls

Born during the last ice age, some 1.7 million years ago from glaciers nearly two miles thick covering the Niagara frontier region, we have one of the most dramatic, natural beauties the world has given us. With four of the five great lakes draining into it,(Superior, Michigan, Huron and Erie) before emptying into lake Ontario, making up one fifth of the world fresh-water supply. Currently, 3160 tonnes of water per second flowing over Niagara, giving America 20 % of its drinking water…..Yup.

Many people wouldn’t even realise, it’s beaten by over 500 falls in the world for height, but it’s the sheer volume of water that makes Niagara possibly the fastest moving body of water on the planet! In fact, you are almost guaranteed to see a rainbow from the Canadian side, to capture this phenomenon, visit from noon to sunset. Niagara’s ecosystem also supports many animals, from the endangered Lake Sturgeon to the Bald Eagle & Peregrine Falcon, but rare trees & plants too.

Perhaps the most miraculous of all, is the event that took place in July of 1960. A local man took a small boat for a ride on the upper Niagara River with his two children. The boat developed major motor trouble, capsizing all three of them. The father went over the falls to his death, but, amazingly, his 17 year old daughter was plucked just 20 feet from the falls. Even more amazing, her seven year old brother, Roger Woodward, went over ‘Horseshoe Falls’ wearing only a swimsuit & lifejacket. The pleasure boat, ‘Maid Of The Mist’ was just making a turn below the falls, when one of the crew spotted a bright orange life jacket. The veteran Captain maneuvered his boat and after two unsuccessful attempts, plucked young Roger to safety, suffering only slight concussion. This Iconic vessel is still in use today, making the daily trip beneath the falls, thrilling visitors within metres of the dramatic water.

If you are going to make the trip to Niagara, it really would be a sin to not house yourself in a ‘Falls View Room’ at one of the many hotels. The Sheraton, Marriott, Wyndham and Radisson, all worth a mention. Plus as always with Charter Travel we love to find a way for our money to go further so why not take a look at our most popular East Coast New York, Toronto and Niagara holiday.